

"Leading the intelligent management"

Ease of use, integration processes, increase efficiency, cost redution

ERP advantages at a glimpse:

  1. Aggregation of process and data in a system
  2. Coverage of the whole organizational processes
  3. Reduction of warehouse costs
  4. Reduction of orders /production costs
  5. Reduction of financial operations costs
  6. Reduction of transportation costs
  7. Reduction of investment amount
  8. Reduction of the costs incurred from stoppage of production line
  9. Reduction of costs resulted from errors of weak coordination between different departments
  10. Reduction of the time required for completion and finalization of product
  11. Increase of clarity and tracking of production processes for customers
  12. Increase of right sizing ability for customers

Knowledge Management

Knowledge management is the systematic management of an organization's knowledge assets for the purpose of creating value and meeting tactical & strategic requirements; it consists of the initiatives, processes, strategies, and systems that sustain and enhance the storage, assessment, sharing, refinement, and creation of knowledge.
Knowledge management (KM) therefore implies a strong tie to organizational goals and strategy, and it involves the management of knowledge that is useful for some purpose and which creates value for the organization.

Risk Management

Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing and controlling threats to an organization's capital and earnings. These threats, or risks, could stem from a wide variety of sources, including financial uncertainty, legal liabilities, strategic management errors, accidents and natural disasters. IT security threats and data-related risks, and the risk management strategies to alleviate them, have become a top priority for digitized companies. As a result, a risk management plan increasingly includes companies' processes for identifying and controlling threats to its digital assets, including proprietary corporate data, a customer's personally identifiable information and intellectual property.
Taking BMX Bikes To
New Levels

Dashboard Management

In the current challenging economy and commerce, organizations endeavor to get ahead of their competitors for correct codification of strategies, fruitful activities and customer .For managers, the vital point is to make rapid decisions based on comprehensive and correct information. Dashboard provides relevant persons with management of a vast collection of management processes analyses

Warehouse plays an important role in the economy of our state, since a considerable percentage of the organization's assets are stored and accumulated in their inventories. In addition, steering of warehouses are difficult and expensive. Therefore, Organizations endeavor to determine the best and optimum action to lower their expenses. In this regard, warehouses management and techniques help them. Since the time, cost and accuracy constitute the major elements of decision making....



Why warehouse inventory control software is important to so many businesses?


It's important for a company to choose the right warehouse management system or WMS software for both their particular industry and needs.

 Keeping track of inventory is one way that a company can tell how well their business is faring.

 However, inaccurate counts from basic warehouse inventory control software can cause WMS automated systems to order the wrong number of products for store shelves. Too many products can cause companies to be overstocked, thus not to have enough space for products they need to store. By having warehouse management systems that can read results in real time and quickly adjust to having accurate warehouse inventory control software counts, companies won?t have to worry about overstock issues.


What are the advantages of using a warehouse management system like inventory control software?


One of the main advantages of using warehouse inventory control software, is that will cut some of the costs for your business by reducing wastage of products 

 For example, a warehouse that stocks food items would greatly benefit from this type of system, because they'd only order stock once there are a minimal amount of items left on the shelves. 

In this way, a company needs to only stock products as per demand. 

This will also save space in the factory, allowing for additional varieties to be stored.

 These type of WMS systems will also save a company from hiring an extra member of staff to collect and analyse data to be able to order the right amount of stock;

 instead, a warehouse inventory control system would do it all for you.


This being said, companies must carefully balance what they need along with their expectations and limitations of the inventory control software for the warehouse management system or WMS systems.




- Track exact stock location within one storage location with FIFO.


- Provides put away functionality for palletizing. etc 


- Provides better picking functionality .


- Allows for picking locations with replenishment when falls below a defined quantity.


- Allows segregation of stock types within a warehouse. 







The Company tries to develop specialized software and solutions in the realms of industry and service and intends to obtain the major market share in the realm of customized industrial systems.

Purposes and Missions


  • To satisfy customers' needs through render of high quality products and full adherence to commitments
  • To lead domestic companies, organizations and industries to use modern technologies for the purpose of boosting their abilities of agility and sustainability
  • To furnish integrated views in the realm of IT for industries
  • Incessant update and increase of the personnel's knowledge



Competitive Advantages


    To benefit from global standards; Competitive with superb products at global level Experience and knowledge of business in Software and Hardware. The products are 100 percent Iranian-possessed. To benefit from technical and expertise knowledge in the realms of production and industrial processes.To use state of the art technologies. Conformity of software with intelligent cell phone devices. Possibility of connection and integration of the System with other information systems.



In using software systems, the major challenge of organizations and industries in IRAN
is nonconformity of prepared software (typical software packages)
 with intra and extra organizational process and industries.
 The most important competitive advantage of the Company for Iranian industries
is that the software is customarily prepared with the state of the art technology and standards in addition of

providing  suitable Hardware






Specialized Systems of NADIN:

Design and implementation of customized systems (Master Production Schedule/MPS)
Calculating the machine capacity and stops as well as production bottlenecks
Design and implementation of customized systems for material requirement planning
Computing reserve storage, optimum time and amount of order point etc.
Automatic registration of orders for business department
Design and implementation of production operation systems
Balance reports
Consumption control reports
Line feeding reports
Process control and wastes report (PPM etc.)
Production efficiency reports (machine, station, manpower)
Tracing the products and materials in production line
The possibility of using barcode and RFID in tracing of products


S5 Box
